Hieroglyphs - Computer motherboard
Man and the City - Seen from the sky
Because it renders a past life, because it is the result of a permanent process in all areas of everyday life, electronics has a strong existential dimension for the same reason as algebra. The one that Tapiézo brings out, which forms the painting, is systematically taken from our domestic tools or from our manufacturers such as France Telecom, Airbus or Eiffage. Little anecdote : Airbus gave electronic circuits prototypes numbered from Airbus A380 !
Through these news collecting, (and derisory) the artist renders visible a precise time. Tapiézo gives a new substance and finds a plastic form, concrete, of an elusive nature for the time that goes by.
"Tapiézo, a master of happy wisdom. Tapiézo is the new Picasso." It's in these terms that Jean Lacouture speaks of the artist. Tapiézo's recognition is unanimous. He's in the courtyard of the great painters.
Mixed media on canvas by the french contemporary artist Tapiézo, sand, steel, computer, motherboard, post industrial, natural pigment of Roussillon in Provence – Luberon Vaucluse
Values Drouot - Akoun – Artprice